Tuesday, June 26, 2007

hmm, some stuff I wrote thinking about what i do?

Connection planning is a discipline that actively seeks those who will understand our message. This transcends all forms of media. A creative hybrid of planners and researchers we add technological advancements, ideas, and human interaction to our toolkit.

We craft communication strategies.

To do this, we utilize the traditional media forms handed down to us from previous generations, we experiment with new versions and we innovate to create new forms.

We assess the current equity of the situation; including the brand from its team members to its media holdings and the forest it is growing in.

We understand that our experiences shape our perception of reality. Trust and positive growth must therefore be integral to our interactions. The advancement of web applications makes this not only an ethical issue but also a demand. People can tell when you are lying to them. We have to be honest.

Increasingly aware of how little we know in relation to the universe, of our naïve intelligence, we are obsessed with acquiring more knowledge. We are as much students as we are teachers, relying on a shared knowledge base to solve problems. We fill in the holes.

We have manual focus, taking a solution; strategy, concept and execution from ten thousand feet to 40X optical zoom then back out. We back up our research, compare our sketches, photos, and vector art.

We make sure there is a logic flow and all points of deviation have been identified. We communicate miscommunication. After this is complete, we take our informed point of view and engage in dialogue for fresh perspective.

We are committed. We are increasingly aware of how our message is being perceived. We constantly assess the relationship between content and context to ensure a credible and meaningful interaction.

Like a magnetic force, not all will be attracted, but the ones that are have a structural bond. With this analogy in mind, we take the time to formulate the right words then we speak what we believe. We accept that not everyone will find value in what we have to say, but that is a small price to pay for those who do.

Connection planning is as complex as it is simple. As innate, as it is learned. As nature as it is nurture. As science as it is religion.

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