Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dear Director of Internship Opportunities,

I am applying for the following summer internship opportunities:

Corporate Business Development
Communications/Public and Media Relations
All Things Considered
Talk of the Nation

I am currently enrolled in the Communication Strategy tract within Virginia Commonwealth University’s Adcenter masters program. My focus in studying communication strategy is to develop socially minded objectives within business structures. I view becoming a member of the advertising and business community as a great opportunity to use our resources to act as a service for our society. My goal in becoming a communications strategist is to acquire a skill set that can be used to help build stronger communication by researching the needs of the community, finding a common goal and implementing a plan for action. Since graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2001 I have defined my aspirations for meaningful work. The society in which we live is divided into social constructs by factors such as, culture, gender, sexual orientation, financial status, and political beliefs. Unfortunately these differences are not usually celebrated, but instead a root cause of misunderstanding and conflict. These banes are seen on a global as well as local spectrum.

As a strategist and through mass communication I want to help alleviate the differences between the “haves” and “have nots” as well as make technology more tangible for those in need of its resources.

The resources and responsibility within the advertising and business industries are so great I believe they can help build stronger communities. Through proper branding, business development and responsible advertising, I want to help achieve this goal. I believe National Public Radio’s mission is a working example of positive reform and education. I view the opportunity to intern within its departments as an invaluable experience.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Beth Stone

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harada57 said...
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