So there are many debates about what came first. I won’t enter that fight. Just a comment on a thought I had this morning while riding my scooter to work.
Often I find myself saying we are products of our environment, therefore we must influence the construction of a healthy environment for the future.
This is both for us and for our children, but since I don’t necessarily know that I will have kids, it is more for me. I had an epiphany (or one of many) a few months ago while “walking the dog.” I realized I need green space, I need to be able to walk away from humanity in order to return to it revitalized. I think that is why I am so obsessed with promoting sustainable issues.
I guess my thought this morning was:
We are products of our environment and our environment is a product of us. We have the power to influence. It is harder, or takes more work, right now to go against the grain and make serious lifestyle changes for the common good, but I think its worth it.
Why do we lack such a sense of urgency? Why are we too busy? What are we so busy with? And why is it more important?