Sunday, March 22, 2009

getting things done in the unfinished city

i drove down third from western to traction (with a short stint of fourth) after having three cavities filled. i fell a little bit in love with los angeles again.

when i finally made it to the inside, i had enough time to read the first place before the discussion began.

as we walked back i admired the collective mess of the studio, the cardboard sculpture on the ceiling, the dual projected screens.

measure r passed adding a half cent sales tax over thrity years resulting in $40 billion for transportation measures.

first place mastransit. loop

the day was an award ceremony for an open call for submissions:

A New Infrastructure:
Innovative Transit Solutions
For Los Angeles

Two things stuck out most in the two hour presentation.

1. Galye, the director of planning for the city, the "closest to implementation and practicality" called Los Angeles the "last big unfinished american city" we take part in who we become and what place we inhabit.

2. Los Angeles is not like other cities we have the ability to have breakfast in the desert, lunch in the mountains and dinner by the ocean. that is part of the beauty of living here - this was one of the last comments raised by a member of the first place team

my favorite part of the day was eric, a late entrant to the commentary who was a little bit honry, literally staring down the crowd at times and instigating the other panel members. he was insistant that the discussion continue and that there is "not a mechanism or will in place to take on the type of things proposed." That there needs to be authority to experiment in particular areas. Things can not be handled by a project by project basis and we should lead the discussion in the same way it is done around rebok. "intelligible vs. piece meal"

other thoughts of note:

- "solve individual movement in the city"
- the first cent tax passing was in 1980 and it relied upon 19th and 20th century technology - now we have information technology in plans

March 27th the conversation moves to the Metro from 2 - 4 to discuss implementation
April 4th A New Infrastructure Discussion: Transit And The City (MAK Center at the Schindler House)
April 14th A New Infrastructure Discussion: Transit and The Community (The GOOD Space)
June 25th A New Infrastructure Discussion: Architects And Transit (AIA Mobius/ Dwell Conference)

from here:
GOOD La becomes a collection of people getting things done
in the unfinished city

1 comment:

Freckles said...

last night i watched the iconoclasts with archbishop desmond tutu and richard branson. it made me think of you.