Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A past acquaintance

climbed the stairs
to the attic
where he was working with another carpenter contractor.

The man was older, in his early sixties, set in his ways, but did good work at a fair price (the same for over fifteen years) and never advertised.

In fact he was almost overwhelmed with work, hence Tom.

At the top of the steep pull-down staircase was Will.
as always.

just a pair of Birkenstocks that he wore year round until his odd spray of toes wore out the sole to a point where the price of a new pair is completely justified.

“What took you so long?”

He is very matter of fact,
not joking and completely unaware of how his exposed body
(from that particular angle no less) might spark an avalanche of cognitive discourse.
After it all, Tom is a very smart man. Will likes Tom’s work, not his work ethic (if he knew how to use the internet he wouldn’t think Tom’s web site was funny).

I can only imagine how the conversation continued
or if it did
into the day
with the sweltering heat of a wooden central Texas attic as the third party.

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