Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 20

1. One thing I learned today.

GDP, the most popular measure of economic activity stands for gross domestic product. Another measure is GDI, gross domestic income. According to BusinessWeek GDP "includes expenditures on all goods and services and changes in inventories," whereas GDI "includes wages and corporate profits." In theory the two should be the same, but mistakes in data collection often result in variation. Overall, everything I have been reading lately is good news for small business entrepreneurs.

2. One thing I crossed off the list today.

I finally started a blog!

3. Personal connection I made today.

I emailed some friends in Austin information about the founders of the New Orleans Biofuel Initiative.

May 19

1. One thing I learned today.

The secret location of an outdoor pool in downtown NOLA, sorry promised I wouldn't say where.

2. One thing I crossed off the list today

Drove my scooter around town to get myself acclimated.

3. One personal connection I made today.

Met a super nice guy named Jason, a local film maker, outside of CC's who gave me his motorcycle guidelines book to save me a trip to the DMV.

May 18

1. One thing I learned today., a travel social networking site, grew from 45,000 members in 2005 to 7 million on December 30th 2006.

2. One thing I crossed off the list.

I ate my first "blood bug" at a crawfish boil.

3. One personal connection I made today.

I talked with Tom, a content designer, about fire jumpers, Bruce Mau, and Cradle to Cradle.

May 17

1. One thing I learned today.

The going rate for a used paracute is about $1200.

2. One thing I crossed off the list today.

First day of my new internship!

3. Personal connection I made today.

Confirmed that Grady (a Phd student at Tulane - adult brain stem cell research) would join us for coffee in the morning.

May 16

1. One thing I learned today.

The first difference between a sweet crepe and a regular crepe is the intial seasoning on the hot plate.

2. One thing I crossed off the list today.

Bought markers and journals at art supply store on Magazine Street.

3. Personal connections I made today.

My new housemates, Amanda and Alex, bought me a crepe and I bought them vitamen water.

May 15

1. One thing I learned today.

Bojangles famous chicken and biscuits was founded in 1982.

2. One thing I crossed off the list.

Moved to New Orleans.

3. One personal connection I made today.

Strengthened my relationship with my Dad. We have made about twenty trips up and down the east coast so far.